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Maximise your rental income!

Maximize Your Income: Essential Guide to Short-Term Letting Success

Are you a property owner looking to start offering short term lets? This blog post is for you! Here at UpperKey, we understand that there is a lot to consider when it comes to short term lets and the associated regulations, so we have put together this guide to give you all the information you need to know. We will provide an overview of the key rules and regulations you need to be aware of and answer some of the most commonly asked questions about short term lets. By the end of this blog post, you should have a better understanding of the legalities and requirements of short term lets, making it easier to decide if this is the right option for you.


Prepare your property for successful short-term letting
Airbnb and Other Platforms Fuel the Popularity of Short-Term Letting

Short term lets are the latest and most popular option when it comes to renting out a property. Thanks to companies like Airbnb, the popularity of short term letting has increased massively. Short-term lets can generate around 30-100% more income compared to long-term letting. AirBnB hosts and landlords are turning to short-term letting as a way to make extra income. Short-term rental law UK will only apply to you if your property is based in the Greater London area.

Hosts need to be aware of the current restrictions on letting in the UK. Whether you are renting out a whole house or just one room, you will need to prepare your property for short-term letting. Airbnb is a popular option for getting started but there are other sites worth advertising on if you are looking for tenants in the UK. Managing an Airbnb or other short-term let property can often feel like a full-time job. Upperkey advises taking into account all the different tasks that you will be responsible for and how often you will need to do them, and if this is going to be feasible given your current commitments.

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A good short-term let property management company can take care of everything for you. Short-term rental contracts or letting agreements last for a short period of time, usually less than six months. They can be on whole properties or single rooms and are becoming a popular way of making an income.


Consider the pros and cons of short-term letting properties
Short-Term Letting: A Popular Option in Major UK Cities.

Short-term letting refers to renting out your property for a short period of time, usually from a few days to up to six months. The most popular short-term rental properties tend to be located centrally within one of the UK's major cities such as London, Edinburgh, or Manchester. There are many advantages to short-term letting properties. However, there are also some downsides to consider when it comes to managing them. Short-term lets can be extended if the tenant is in town for business or a family needs somewhere to stay while their house is being renovated.

It's important to be realistic about what to expect from short-term letting. Properties that are let for shorter periods of time tend to be fully-furnished. There is also a bigger risk of wear and tear to be aware of since tenants will not always take great care of properties. There are many tasks involved in renting your property short term and a management company can alleviate the stress. You will usually need to purchase furnishings for your short-term rental.

The final step is to prepare your property for renting out, making sure it meets all legal requirements for health and safety. If you want to rent out a property, then you have the option to let it on either a short-term or long-term basis. Consider using a short let property management company to handle the day-to-day stuff, like key management and repairs.


Short-term lets gaining popularity over traditional B&B and hotel rooms
Avoid Tax Penalties: Seek Professional Help for Short-Term Letting in London.

A short-term let is generally considered a residential stay of a few days to a few months. Long-term lets are generally unfurnished, and the tenant becomes responsible for all utilities and council tax. In London, the magic number is 90 in terms of letting an entire property. The City of London Local Plan and City Plan 2036 outline how planning decisions will be made. If you're thinking of applying for planning permission change in London, you'd be advised to give both a thorough read.

The short-term let has gathered much momentum, and the trusty B&B and hotel room have taken a pounding. The short-term let regulation only applies to those letting out the entire property. There is no limit to the number of days each year or amount of rooms they are permitted to let. If you've reached your 90-day limit, a planning application can take several weeks to be processed. Mixing long-term and mid-term lets with short-term lettings is a good way to avoid red tape.

Landlords/hosts must have their properties inspected each year for fire safety and gas safety. Making a profit from short-term lets in London can create an incredible amount of hard work. Failing to pay the correct amount of income tax can result in heavy fines and backdated taxes. Why not leave all the hard work to the professionals? Contact us today to start reaping the benefits.


Increase letting days with permits and marketing strategies
Short-Term Lettings Can Be More Profitable Than Long-Term Lets.

Landlords are struggling to make a profit on buy-to-let properties, especially in London. To manage financial issues, many landlords are turning to short-term letting. Short-term rentals are used for businesses and holidaymakers - but is it viable for long-term profit? If you compare the cost per day of short-term and long-term lettings, opting for the former will bring in more cash. Short-term lets are only allowed to be rented out for an accumulative total of 90 days.

To get an increase on this, you will need to apply for a special permit. These include using photography, marketing and other techniques to get more reviews on Airbnb and other platforms. Find a Property Management Partner to oversee the running of your property. Many households are looking for staycations, which let them experience life outside of their usual environment. Monthly apartment rentals London have risen in demand, as more people look for a taste of life on the other side.

Try Airbnb for short-term let brands out there. Managing a short-term let property can be time-consuming, so many owners outsource the task to a third party. UpperKey's expertise in London makes us the perfect business partner for investors. The 90-day cap on lets causes concern for many owners as to whether it's a viable business model.


Registration system tracks short-term rentals in Paris
Exceptions to Paris' 120-Night Limit for Short-Term Rentals.

Thousands of Paris homes are still unregistered despite City regulations. The registration allows the authorities to monitor property usage, and when owners and investors break the short-term regulations. It's a simple process designed to keep things nice and easy for those who are playing by the rules. In October 2017, the authorities in Paris put this registration system in place on short-term rentals of entire houses and apartments. It was intended to keep a track on tourism accommodation that was outside of the typical hotel and bed and breakfast business models.

Owners will have to register each property individually. A compensation rule has come into effect for owners converting commercial premises to residential use. Exceptions to the Paris 120-night limit include "bail mobilité" and "temporary work assignments". Use a professional company to let your properties in Paris, such as UpperKey. Let UpperKey take care of every last, little, detail for you. We'll keep a steady flow of guests and tenants, and keep your apartment looking stunning.


Representing short-term letting regulations
A Comprehensive Guide to Short-Term Letting Regulations in Rome, Italy.

A guide to national and regional regulations when short-term letting in Rome, Italy. Rules and regulations differ from region to region. Offering more than one property for lease isn't seen as business activity in Italy. The magic number, for an investor to remain just that and not considered a business, is 4 properties. Taxes on short-term rentals in Italy range from 23% to 43%.

Longer-term lets must be registered with the Italian Tax Agency. Hosts can choose between two different tax systems, depending on their circumstances and income generated by renting a property. Hosting more than three properties is seen as a business operation and you must register an SCIA (Segnalazione di Inizio Attività). Rome has a tourism tax of €3.50 per person per night. Children under 10-years-old go free; everyone else has to pay.

Cleaning is not included in the provision of a furnished tourist apartment. It's up to the host to collect and pay the tourism tax.


Symbolizing the tax considerations for short-term letting in Switzerland
Legal Changes in Switzerland: Navigating Short-Term Letting and Sub-Letting Regulations.

The rise of short-term letting and sub-letting has led to a shake-up in the law in Switzerland. There are national income tax rules to take into account, as well as local regulations. Some cantons are introducing the existing tourism/visitors tax to these hosts. A City Tax is charged for guests staying in Zurich of CHF 2.50 per person per night. Hosts are required to notify the Zurich Police of any guests paying to stay within their accommodation.

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Geneva has an increase in the short-term cap period to 90 nights. Switzerland has a very popular and successful option for subletting long-term let rentals. The main issue is that more homes are turning into short-term tourist lets as opposed to residential opportunities. Each canton is looking at ways to remedy the situation.


Representing UpperKey's property management services
Dublin's 90-Day Rule for Short-Term Lettings in Ireland.

AirBnB, HomeAway and VRBO are among the most popular short-term lets in Ireland. Short-term let is defined as letting or renting out part or all of a house or apartment for up to 14 days. Those wishing to let their property for longer than 14 days will need to hold the appropriate paperwork. The Dublin 90-day rule has come into effect for short-term lettings in the Republic of Ireland. Short-term rentals will no longer be limited to 90 days a year, as long as the owner lives there full-time and stays there permanently.

Commercial agencies and property management services handling apartment and housing lets include extended-lets and corporate-lets. Short-term lets in Dublin can create a lot of hard work, as well as being incredibly time-consuming. Let UpperKey take care of every last, little detail.

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