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Maximise your rental income!

Why become an Airbnb host?

Today, Airbnb is an essential platform in seasonal rentals. It allows you to obtain very attractive occupancy rates and of course high returns. As an Airbnb host, you also benefit from compensation in the event of damage by the tenant. But above all, if your property benefits from a very good geographical location, you are sure to supplement your income.

Highlighting the protection offered by Airbnb for hosts
Attractive Occupancy Rates and High Returns.

How to register on the platform as an owner?

If you want to manage on Airbnb, with a bachelor's degree or not, it is imperative to start with a registration. Don't worry, it's an extremely simple step and all you have to do is let yourself be guided through an ergonomic interface. In this way, you will be able to create your Airbnb profile by making a profile description (describe yourself and your property) and adding your profile photo. The profile photo and the national identity card are important when you need a vacation rental. Sometimes the home address and the billing address are not the same. The best places (New Orleans) for building trust and feel safe in a free and easy way are not adding too much information, need to feel like spending time with others.

Guest may have some favorite places they want to know and publish on their social media accounts with a Airbnb profile examples of the guest experience.

Becoming an Airbnb host

Then, it will be imperative to create a specific space, that is to say an owner space so that you can add your goods to be rented. However, certain precautions must be observed for success to be achieved. Only use professional photos, because the visuals are a determining factor for the visitor to proceed with the reservation. Do not forget to also translate your ad into several languages, because if you live in a tourist town, there will not only be French people likely to be interested.

The minimum remains to have your ad translated into English. Do not forget to specify your vacation rental conditions by being particularly strict, to avoid incurring penalties if you ever cancel the reservation. Finally, indicate precisely all the equipment that your accommodation has, because this is always a competitive advantage.

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How does Airbnb work for Airbnb hosts?

Once you have created your ad, you will need to manage it from your account. See this as an owner space allowing you to add new photos, modify the description of your ad or act on reservations. The first element to know is based on availability and this is a function that will be directly managed by the Airbnb calendar. You define the opening and closing dates of the vacation rental yourself. In addition, it will be directly from this tab that you will be able to act on the prices of the night.

Demonstrating personalized management options for their vacation rental
Flexibility and Control: Customized Management.

Another thing to consider is your inbox. It is from this that you will communicate with other travelers by sending, for example, a pre-approval that they can of course accept or refuse. Be aware that Airbnb service fees will automatically apply, but rest assured the amount remains perfectly reasonable, as it will be only 3% on the value of the rentals made.

One thing of a traveler's favourite things must be meeting new people and spendint time with them.

What are tips for optimizing your ad as a local host?

Do not see an Airbnb property as simply furnished. You must think above all about comfort and define your accommodation with a certain personality. If you have introduced a hair dryer, a kettle or a coffee machine, these are elements that are important in tourism.

Quality first impression

The quality of the property is therefore essential for the comfort of travelers to be well and truly at the rendezvous. But if you hope for interesting income, it is essential to dwell on the attractiveness of your ad.

To do this, buy a property in a tourist area when you have the opportunity. This is the case for an Airbnb rental in Paris, a beautiful city, but be aware that other cities are also attractive such as Biarritz, Cannes, Bordeaux, Toulouse or Lyon.

Emphasizing the importance of providing comfortable accommodations for travelers
Quality Property for Comfortable Travelers.

Socials are extremely important | remember of positive things and good profile pictures, some with teddy bears!

Great photos are key

If the acquisition has already been made, you must obtain professional photos and write a proper advertisement to maximize your chances of booking. Of course, it is always tempting to take the photographs on your own, but be aware that you do not have the same equipment and the same professionalism as a photographer. The same goes for writing an ad, because it is a significant investment in terms of time.

The profile description is also essential. The " describe yourself Airbnb "section of a host's profile allows them to highlight their best Airbnb hosting experience, hobbies and more to help make potential guests feel more comfortable when making a reservation.

Put your hands on a good Airbnb listing on the global community. Put your legal first and last name in the Airbnb profile description, the current occupation (optional), not photos with inappropriate outfits. A good profile description. Try to search on the net some Airbnb profile examples and Airbnb description examples. Airbnb guests will love to know if you are a professional and authentic host that can give an authentic experience for potential guests. Connect social media accounts on your outstanding airbnb profile with the identity verification badge displayed with the badge button, your work email, your favorite quote, a welcome message, favorite sport, your favorite thing, and your preferred target audience.

It doesn't take much time to create a great Airbnb profile. But when it comes to your Airbnb profile description, there is such a thing as too much information. Treat your guests with professional manner.

So, just put enough personal information that add extra credibility.

As an host, be careful about comments

From your dashboard, you will discover the comments that have been left by travelers. Considered the sinews of war, because the higher your rating, the more bookings you will get. Comments are based on several criteria, in particular the accuracy of your ad. The latter must imperatively reflect the reality of the accommodation. Another essential element is cleanliness. Travelers do not want to discover unsanitary accommodation.

Indicating the significance of this feedback for bookings
Reviews and Ratings: Dashboard Insights.

Putting your second home for vacation rental is a good idea | Build trust with great reviews, and put a good picture

Airbnb host communication

Communication is also essential in order to respond favorably to requests from your travellers. Following this, the reception is important and in this case, it is better not to be late. Good first impression is a key for airbnb good reviews.

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Airbnb Reviews

An Airbnb review will also focus on the location of your property and the value for money. If you are meticulous about these different elements, you will get a better score resulting in an increase in your profitability.

Emphasizing its impact on reviews
Value for Money: Key Review Factor.

What is Superhost status on Airbnb?

Your goal will be to gain Superhost status on the platform. To do so, you must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall assessment of at least 4.8.

• Your response rate must not drop below 90%, which means you must respond within 24 hours.

• Each year, you welcome at least 10 groups of travellers.

• Finally, the last criterion is never to cancel a reservation, unless you find yourself in a case of force majeure.

It's in your best interest to get the Superhost badge because you'll be identified as a serious Airbnb host. This is also an important criterion for many travelers who do not wish to obtain the slightest disappointment.

Highlighting the specific criteria required for this achievement
Aiming for Superhost Status: Meeting the Criteria.

Airbnb business casual | First time airbnb, Airbnb hosts provide quality accommodations like local hosts.

What is the point of going through an Airbnb concierge service for owners?

AIrbnb Listing a property for seasonal rental on the platform remains within everyone's reach. But you certainly want to be calm, avoid complications and obtain the best profitability. In this case, the concierge really takes on its full

meaning and you can now request additional required information from Upperkey.

Airbnb host

Indeed, it is a particularly meticulous company with the desire to support its customers. By entrusting your seasonal rental property to Upperkey, you no longer have any concerns and everything will be managed directly by the agency. At the end of each month, you receive your income in relation to your occupancy rate and in relation to the price defined for each night.

This is a particularly useful and practical service to optimize your time and income as an Airb and b owner. So if you do not yet know the UpperKey concierge, do not hesitate to contact them.

Potential guests want to make a good impression and would love well written profile verified with significant impact that makes a positive first impression. Many hosts love watching movies. They take a good personal existing photo of the property and after all the verifications, they get the identity verification badge.

Showcasing the significance of a verified and impactful profile
Hassle-Free Management with UpperKey.

Become a local Airbnb host. Find us on social media | No brainer managment

Did you know?

Did you know? We are listed in's Greater London Vacation Listings, you can see more here:">Greater London Vacation Listings Rental Guarantees Contact us

Get in touch with us and prepare your rental property for tenancy agreement.

Contact details

Offices contact:73 Cornhill, London EC3V 3QQ, UK Phone number: +44 7782 502628 e-mail: No. 1 Rent Guarantee Property Managers.

Upperkey Founders :

Benoit Lam @benoit__lam Johan Hajji @HotelMarket20

Make a first step for short term rental or long term rental. Airbnb rental management in London. Contact us by phone number giving us your last name.


Determine your property's rental value with UpperKey as your tenant

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