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All About Airbnb Complaints

From the platform, the travelers' complaint or the owner's complaint remains possible. It is necessary when the rental did not take place according to the different terms and conditions defined. However, you may not know how to go about it, as this is the first time you are faced with this situation. Don't worry, we'll explain everything in this article.

Need to understand available options for addressing rental dissatisfaction on Airbnb
Rental dissatisfaction? Know your options on Airbnb.

Who are the people involved in making an Airbnb claim?

Initially, you have purchased a property to do seasonal rentals. You are therefore considering working with the Airbnb platform, but you are not necessarily comfortable with the various regulations in force.

Very quickly, you could be confronted with a complaint from a tenant who is not satisfied. However, it is not a lack of will on your part, but it is sometimes difficult to satisfy everyone. Moreover, this demand may also be justified because you have been negligent by omission.

In fact, you lack knowledge of the regulations and the proper conduct of a seasonal rental and this leads to a complaint.

But generally speaking, you should know that the complaint can be made by any user of the platform. That is to say, both an Airbnb host complaint and a complaint from the travelers' side. Generally speaking, dissatisfaction remains subjective anyway, and therefore the platform only considers complaints based on verifiable and objective evidence.

That is why, when you want to turn to the platform to file a complaint, it is important to bring all the necessary evidence. Otherwise, it may be a case of one word against another and therefore it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

For example, a dissatisfied traveler can perfectly well file an Airbnb complaint if the reservation he made does not match the ad on the site. He can also contact the customer service of the platform when the deposit has been cashed even though he has not caused any damage.

But the owner can also contact in case of degradation of the accommodation or when it is simply too dirty.

Is it possible to contact Airbnb customer support by phone?

If you wish to contact the Airbnb platform by phone, you should know that it is a quick and efficient way to do so. If the complaint is made from France, it is imperative to dial 01 84 88 40 00. Concerning the time range, it remains particularly wide, because it is established between 9 am and 10 pm.

Another phone number is also available depending on the country in which the property is located.

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Is it possible to make an Airbnb complaint online?

Of course, this is a particularly interesting alternative, because Airbnb is above all a digital platform. Therefore, an exclusive space has been set up and it is particularly useful to use it to interact with the customer service. As a result, filing a complaint is extremely easy and without any constraints.

To do so, you fill in the contact form of the platform. If you don't know where it is, you only need to log in from your account. Then you determine the reason for the complaint, i.e. a concern about your account, a payment or a tenant. Try to be as explicit as possible in the dedicated box before sending your message.

If on the other hand you use the Airbnb application, it is still very useful for carrying out many procedures, in particular for contacting customer service in the event of a complaint.

Seamless complaints on Airbnb, digital advantage
The digital advantage of filing complaints easily and conveniently through the platform's exclusive space.

However, the procedure is specific to the nature of the problem you are experiencing. If it concerns travel, you will have to go to the "travel" section. If, on the other hand, the problem concerns your profile, you should obviously use the appropriate tab.

If you do not see a topic corresponding to your request, you must click on the "message" icon.

Is it possible to contact a mediator in case of a dispute?

When you have made a complaint to the Airbnb service, it is possible that you are confronted with a situation that does not suit you. In this case, you have two options. Either you decide to accept the decision of the Airbnb platform, or you decide to file a complaint. To do this, you will have to contact the European Commission, which will put you in touch with a mediator if it deems the situation appropriate.

However, it is imperative to bring tangible evidence on your side, proving that you have used all the means of the platform to find a conciliation. If, after having exhausted all internal resources, your request does not succeed, your complaint will be handled by the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman.

In this context, you should send him a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, providing all the appropriate supporting documents in relation to your complaint. Try to provide as many elements as possible, detailing the steps you have taken.

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How to avoid wasting time with complaints?

You do your best to make travelers feel comfortable in your rental. However, you regularly encounter problems. In another case, you are starting to rent out your property and you don't want to have any problems with your tenants.

In all cases, the solution remains the same, namely to turn to a company that specializes in vacation rentals. UpperKey is a company that will provide you with complete rental management. You enjoy total freedom, without the various constraints that a rental implies. For its part, the UpperKey agency will do everything necessary to put your ad online, manage reservations and the departure and arrival of tenants.

These are absolutely essential conditions for obtaining the best possible investment. In the event of a complaint, no action will be necessary on your part, as UpperKey will take care of everything.

Partnering for success, UpperKey takes care of it all
Successful partnership and comprehensive management services provided by UpperKey.

A few more details about an Airbnb claim

Whatever the case, i.e. whether it is a traveller or an owner complaint, the latter must imperatively be in line with the platform's refund policy. Indeed, this is a charter that you automatically accept from the moment you use the Airbnb site. If the dispute does not concern this policy, customer service will unfortunately not follow up.


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