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Maximise your rental income!

Why invest in Airbnb in the Parc des Expositions?

Putting your apartment on Airbnb is an excellent opportunity to generate additional income. Indeed, the platform is now essential in seasonal rentals. If you are lucky enough to have a property in Paris and more precisely at the Parc des Expositions, you have every reason to be interested in the subject. For rental now, but also with the approach of the 2024 Olympics.

Highlighting the location's potential for rental opportunities
Explore the opportunity of renting your property near Parc des Expositions in Paris.

How to benefit from efficient rental management in the Parc des Expositions?

Renting your apartment is very simple, starting with you register on Airbnb. Without being a specialist, you will discover an intuitive interface that will allow you to generate your first income. However, your lack of knowledge in the subject may result in poor profitability. However, putting an apartment on Airbnb requires precautions so that the tenant perceives your property as an attractive accommodation with a very good price-quality ratio.

But on your side, you have bad surprises with the Airbnb commission rate, causing a decline in profitability. In addition, you notice with amazement, the time needed to respond to the messages you receive. As a bonus, you must be present to welcome temporary travelers to hand them the keys and present the various elements to be respected in your property. In the end, it is a secondary activity that deprives you of the time necessary for your leisure activities.

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Why is a seasonal rental more interesting than a traditional rental?

Put your apartment in Airbnb in the Parc des Expositions requires you to certain constraints, such as requesting registration with the municipality. Without this valuable information, you are not legal. However, be aware that the process is much simpler compared to a traditional rental. Indeed, whether it is an apartment or a house at the Parc des Expositions and more generally in Paris, it is impossible to escape rent control.

If you do not respect this provision to rent your apartment in the Parc des Expositions, be aware that the penalties are particularly heavy. First, you define the amount of the rent according to the reference rent in the Parc des Expositions. There are certain exceptions allowing you to rent with a higher rate. Nevertheless, the device remains very supervised, leaving you little room for manoeuvre.

To rent your apartment with peace of mind, that is to say without taking into account the rent controls in the Parc des Expositions, the Airbnb solution is obvious. Especially since your property is located in a popular area near the Saint-Lambert district located in the 15th arrondissement and peripheral municipalities such as Vanves and Issy-les-Moulineaux. With the approach of the Olympics, the exhibition center will be in demand.

If you are lucky enough to have an apartment on Boulevard Victor et Lefebvre, the price per night will skyrocket next year and you could hope to generate several hundred euros in profits.

Siimplicity of life and the generation of additional income through an Airbnb concierge service
Simplify your life and generate additional income with an Airbnb concierge.

How can an Airbnb Parc des Expositions concierge service help you with your management?

You do not know the different features of an Airbnb concierge service? No problem, you will quickly get to know them. Its main objective is to optimize your property by taking into account its intrinsic characteristics. Indeed, if you manage your property yourself, you have no choice but to create a owner space on Airbnb. Then you manage all interactions with potential tenants.

But these various hassles can be avoided with the presence of a professional, with all the knowledge necessary for Airbnb management in the Parc des Expositions. A professional comes to take pictures of your property. The images are then used in the ad from the platform with, of course, an advantageous description. This is a way to attract potential tenants with the added bonus of excellent value for money.

As you probably know, administrative procedures are sometimes a hindrance for owners of real estate at the Parc des Expositions. Once again, this is an a priori that will be quickly swept away with the intervention of an expert. Everything is done to simplify your life, while generating additional income. With an Airbnb concierge, you no longer have to worry about the subject, you will simply receive your rent monthly or quarterly.

Presentation of the UpperKey Concierge

If you are the proud owner of a property in the Parc des Expositions, do not hesitate to contact the UpperKey concierge. You will discover experts, capable of fully dealing with the seasonal rental of your property. Your ad will be optimized from the start and everything is planned such as cleaning, key collection, traveler management and of course a maintenance service available seven days a week. As a bonus, unpaid rent insurance to avoid any financial loss. Even if you are absent, the services continue to operate, in complete autonomy and transparency.

Finally, if you need sound advice, you will find a dedicated person who will help you with your project.

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Determine your property's rental value with UpperKey as your tenant

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