Putting your apartment on 2023 Airbnb inc is a great opportunity to earn money. However, you can't do it just any way, because there are very specific rules to follow.

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Rent an Airbnb apartment in compliance with the legislation
In France, it is the application of seasonal rental . It concerns both the spare room at the inhabitant, the secondary residence or the main residence. Legally, you have every right to rent your apartment for a short period, as long as you are the owner.
Therefore, the use of the Airbnb platform remains perfectly legal. In other words, renting your apartment on 2023 Airbnb inc can very well be done as a main activity or seasonally when you go on vacation.
But it is imperative to have only a transient clientele, that is to say for a period not exceeding 90 days. In addition, specific regulations apply depending on your geographical location, the source of your income, the type of use of your property and the nature of this use.

Application form or Airbnb | Local government short term rentals rules
How to rent your accommodation on Airbnb?
To rent an apartment on Airbnb, it is imperative to go to the site concerned. Rest assured, even if you are not very comfortable with computers and administrative procedures, Airbnb works in an extremely simple way. You will therefore have no trouble getting started thanks to the ergonomic choices of its co-founder Brian Chesky.
A few things you will be asked for:
Fixed pricing.
The availability of your apartment.
The possible presence of comfort elements such as a television or air conditioning.
The rules of life that you want to apply in your accommodation.
A descriptive sheet of your rental with supporting photos.
Airbnb host competition
But as you can imagine, the competition remains particularly tough in the big cities. Therefore, it is important to take care of every detail, whether in the description of your apartment or in the photos. Moreover, it is the latter that naturally attract the eye of potential tenants.
If you manage to establish a pleasant ad with mesmerizing photos, you have every chance of renting your property quickly on Airbnb.
Moreover, you can use our UpperKey site to rent your Airbnb apartment. Indeed, we remain specialized in apartment management on this type of website and we have a field of action in many countries. We take care of all the steps so that you can rent your property quickly.

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What percentage does Airbnb take?
Putting your apartment as an Airbnb host on Airbnb implies that the platform takes a commission. A completely legitimate approach, because Airbnb provides the link between your property and the tenants. Therefore, it receives a commission which is set at 3% of the overall price of the reservation for the owners. A variable commission also applies in an amount that varies between 6 and 20 percent for tenants.
Anyway, regardless of the website through which you go for a seasonal rental, the commissions apply systematically. You can learn more about Airbnb management fees Click here .

How to rent your main residence apartment on Airbnb?
Renting an Airbnb, your apartment as an Airbnb host in Airbnb, will not be problematic when it is your main residence. On the contrary, you will be able to optimize the use of your property, while rounding off your end of the month.
In the eyes of the law, a principal residence is allowed when you live at least eight months per year on the accommodation
Better have security deposit in case of property damage for monthly stays or longer stays.

Shared oom in your main residence | short term rentals
Application form
In application of the Elan law of 2018 , it is impossible to rent your main residence for a period of more than four months. Only the total number of days will be taken into account, i.e. 120 days over the year.
However, if you partially rent your main residence, you have no limit on the number of nights. This is the case when you want to rent an apartment with several bedrooms. In this case, you make available to the tenant only one of the bedrooms of your property.

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How to set the price of your Airbnb rental?
Renting your apartment through Airbnb will allow you to have additional income. Although you are free to set the pricing, it is important to look at the competition to put a price in line with the current market. If you set a price that is too low, you certainly have a better chance of attracting tenants, but your income will not be optimized. Moreover, too low a price may lead to mistrust on the part of some people.
Airbnb business expenses
If, on the contrary, the pricing remains too high, you will have very little return.
It is therefore necessary to consider accommodation in the same category as your apartment, but do not forget to include additional services such as concierge services or household expenses.
When special events take place in your city, if you are in high season or during holidays, this justifies a rise in rent prices.

Extra income and extra expenses in a calendar year | Short term rentals
Vacation rental
Keep in mind that this is not a long-term rental, but rather a seasonal rental. You cannot rent for more than 120 days per year, hence the need to favor respectful and dignified tenants.
Once again, our UpperKey service will be of great help in finding the right price. We have particularly solid experience and we will be able to define the most appropriate pricing in relation to the situation of your apartment, the competition and the services you offer.
Is it possible to rent a second home on Airbnb?
Renting out your Airbnb apartment as a second home, the entire home, is not a problem under the law. As opposed to a principal residence, the secondary residence remains a property in which you reside less than eight months per year.
Nevertheless, two types of regulatory impositions exist and additional vigilance is necessary for cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants. In some cases you will be asked to affix a registration number to your advertisement or to make a change of destination with the public authorities.
How many people can you accommodate in an Airbnb rental?
In an Airbnb rental, there is no limit on the number of people staying in the property. However, it's best to use common sense and not list an inappropriate number of people in your ad. Otherwise, it is your responsibility and the safety of the occupants.
What equipment is required to rent an Airbnb apartment?
To know the mandatory equipment in a seasonal rental, you have to base yourself directly on the ALUR law and the decree of 2015. In bulk, you will find different obligations such as:
The presence of lights.
Storage shelves.
The necessary kitchen utensils.
Appropriate crockery for meals.
The presence of at least a refrigerator and a freezer.
Same observation at the level of an oven and a hob.
When a spare room is used as a bedroom, it must be equipped with a window screening device.
Adequate bedding incorporating a blanket or duvet.
Seats, tables and all necessary maintenance equipment.
Security deposit in case of property damage
Beyond legal obligations, certain equipment is particularly appreciated, such as the presence of carbon monoxide detectors. This is also the case with a Wi-Fi connection made available to tenants or even a television.
Is the concierge service mandatory to rent an Airbnb apartment?
The concierge option should be taken into consideration if you wish to rent your accommodation on Airbnb. If you opt for this service, you have the certainty of working with professional people whose mission is to take care of your property.
To put it simply, you give them the keys directly and they will do the work necessary to showcase your property and thus attract as many people as possible. This is a particularly requested service, because it is a real job and it takes time.
In addition, the concierge service will take care of the various administrative procedures and on your side you have less mental burden.
The disadvantage lies in the fact that this service will be invoiced and as a result you suffer a drop in profitability. But to have peace of mind, it's important to choose a trusted partner who will do a great job for you.
Airbnb guests requirements
If your goal is to rent an apartment on Airbnb and have peace of mind, it is in your best interest to contact our UpperKey service. Indeed, we remain specialists in rental management and we have transparent experience and a complete process to support anyone wishing to rent out their property on Airbnb or on another platform.
That's why many people around the world trust us, because we fully manage the property on Airbnb and we are attentive to the tenants.
The Host Guarantee programme doesn't cover cash and securities, collectibles, rare artwork, jewelry, pets or personal liability.

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Did you know?
Did you know? We are listed in travellistings.org's Greater London Vacation Listings, you can see more here: https://www.travellistings.org/England/Greater-London/C1-17-1-0.htm">Greater London Vacation Listings Rental Guarantees Contact us
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First step on short term rental market