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Key Airbnb Statistics for 2023: Essential Insights for Hosts and Travelers

In itself, Airbnb is a recent company considered a UFO among startups. But today, it is an unavoidable and iconic platform with a huge success. An advantage for travelers as well as for hosts.

Fastest Growing

Thus, no less than 750 million travelers have used Airbnb with benefits for more than 3 million hosts.

But there are other very interesting statistics about the company that you will discover throughout this article.

The significant number of hosts on Airbnb, providing a warm welcome to guests
Discover more fascinating statistics about this game-changing platform in our article.

From Tokyo to New York City - How Many People Use Airbnb Platform

An octopus on an international scale

The Airbnb statistic to remember is perhaps its market valuation at €14 billion in 2020. But there are other Airbnb statistics to consider such as the fact that a host earns on average €761 per month. Regarding the average length of stay on the platform, it has increased by 74% over the year 2020.

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Travel Restrictions

With the coronavirus crisis, many people decided to join Airbnb and these people were able to generate €1 billion in revenue.

Discover the impact of the crisis on the short-term rental market
Learn how individuals found new opportunities during the crisis in our latest article.

According to the platform's statistics for April 2021, the average occupancy rate was 45.5%.

But it is in the United States that the success remains strongest with almost €15,000 per year generated by each guest.

Understanding the growth of the platform

Airbnb statistics by city are edifying, especially in the capital cities. These are particularly popular places, whether on the old continent, in Asia or in America. Tokio, Paris, Osaka, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco or San Diego - those are the most popular Airbnb cities. Currently, Airbnb remains the undisputed and unquestionable platform on the accommodation market. In fact, it is one of the most valuable start-ups in the world.

North America Giant

Nearly one in four hosting services are provided by the American giant and in 2019, more than 45 million users were registered. Around the world, thousands of listings are available and no matter where you are going, you will find what you are looking for.

Vacation Rental

There are more than 100,000 cities listed across 220 countries, so it would be surprising to go to a destination where you don't find an accommodation that meets your needs.

Most popular countries: USA, Japan, London, Paris Most popular cities: Tokio, Paris, Osaka, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Rio De Janeiro

Airbnb statistics in Paris

An official Paris Airbnb statistic was released on December 20, 2019 and this information lets you know that more than 65,000 apartments were offered for rent in the capital, including 52,000 entire homes.

Restrictions. Business License?

However, these are declining numbers, not because of the decline of the platform, but because of the regulations in Paris. Legislation has become stricter regarding rentals, limiting the rental of one's main residence to 120 days each year. In addition, it is now imperative to make a prior declaration to the town hall. If this is not done, you do not have the authorization and therefore the platform blocks your accommodation.

To go beyond the limit of 120 days per year, it is imperative that the property has a commercial lease or a specific exemption under the Elan law.

The value of the Airbnb business

In recent years, the turnover of the American giant has experienced a sharp decline due to the coronavirus crisis. In such a health context, travelers could no longer move around and the increase in confinements and curfews deeply hurt the company's profit.

Learn about the sharp decline in turnover and its implications for the company
Discover the impact of travel restrictions and lockdowns on the company's revenue.

Revenue Growth

However, with the health improvements, Airbnb has simply achieved a better revenue on the third quarter of 2021 in comparison with its entire existence. As a result, it is more than $2 billion that could be generated and it is a growth obviously beyond expectations.

Growth Rate

This is an increase of 36% compared to the previous quarter. The rebound in travel has been particularly beneficial for the platform, which has recorded a very large number of reservations.

150 million users

The group also saw its profit increase fourfold to $834 million. Again, this is a record figure in a single quarter, which allows the group to generate more than a billion and a half in profits over the year 2020.

Given such figures, it is not surprising that the company's value now exceeds 28 billion euros.

Unique Stays. Airbnb vs Hotels

How long people stay in apartments? Airbnb is creating a really interesting habits here. In New York, Airbnb tenants stay for 6.4 nights versus 3.9 nights for New York City hotel guests. Average $200 more is what they spend at New York businesses. In San Francisco, Airbnb guests stay a full two nights longer and spend $1,045 vs the $840 hotel guests. This is not the only for the US market. Airbnb guests in Sydney spend over $600 more than their hotel counterparts.

The average length of stay and spending of Airbnb guests and hotel guests in New York, San Francisco, and Sydney
Uncover the significant differences in average stay duration and expenditure between Airbnb and hotel visitors.

Short Term Rentals. Home Sharing vs Hotels | Airbnb Listing

Particularly encouraging statistics

To say the least, the vacation rental market experienced a deep decline with the coronavirus crisis. But with the reduction of the restrictions, this market is again on the rise with a growth of about 3.4% each year until 2027. It is mainly young people who use the platform, i.e. millennials.

According to estimates, they will represent three quarters of consumers and travelers by 2025.

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How much does a host earn on average on the platform?

According to Airbnb statistics for hosts, they earn an average of €761 per month. Nevertheless, there are very large disparities depending on the type of property, the services and of course its location. But Airbnb statistics show that it is in the United States that the average income is the highest for hosts. An average of €15,000 has been recorded and it is especially in California that the income is the highest with an average of €27,000 of turnover.

Save Money and Time. Professional Airbnb Host

In any case, if you want to obtain guaranteed income, it is important to choose a quality service provider and to turn to a concierge service worthy of the name. Upperkey is undoubtedly the best solution, as it is a company that specializes in property management. No matter what type of property you wish to rent, you will be assisted by a team of professionals who will help you with technical, administrative and tax issues.

Our specialized team handles all technical, administrative, and tax matters for your rental property
Our top-notch concierge service ensures a stress-free experience for property owners.

This way, you won't have to worry about renting a property, because everything will be done with experienced people from the Upperkey agency.

What is the average length of an Airbnb stay?

The statistics regarding the average length of Airbnb stays are clearly increasing between 2019 and 2020. An increase of about 74%, but it was in the United Kingdom that the observation was most obvious with an increase of 154%. In France, the average duration of Airbnb stays increased by 49%, compared to 38% in Spain and 51% in Italy.

In view of the recent information, it would be detrimental not to use the platform if you have a property to put up for seasonal rental. Long Term Airbnb Experiences

More and more people decide to use Airbnb as their long term rental place. This market can explode soon and be as important as Short Term Rental.

Airbnb Fun Fact

Airbnb began in October 2007 by two roommates, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, who were having big trouble affording the rent on their loft apartment in San Francisco at the time. They came up with the idea of placing an air mattress in their living room, turning their apartment into a bed and breakfast.

Airbnb founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia pioneer the concept of home-sharing by starting with a simple air mattress idea in their San Francisco apartment
Airbnb founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia transform their living room into a makeshift bed and breakfast to tackle rent challenges in San Francisco.

Airbnb Statistics, fun facts, data | Airbnb Host For Your Short Term Rental

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