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12 Tips for Managing an Airbnb Property in Chelsea, London

If you search “Chelsea, London” on Airbnb, you will find over 1000 properties, which is fierce competition for a considerably small area of London. Naturally, to stand a chance of having your property booked, you need to manage it efficiently. When it comes to Airbnb, this runs much further than making sure your property is clean. Instead, you need to constantly make your ad relevant and improve the services you offer. To give you a helping hand, we’ve gathered together 12 tips for successful property management Chelsea, London.

 Keeping your Airbnb property clean is essential, but successful property management goes beyond that
n the competitive Airbnb market of Chelsea, London, efficient property management is crucial for success.

High-Quality Photos

There’s no point in having a pristine property if your ad photos don’t reflect this. Spend time taking high-quality photos. If you lack the experience, consider hiring a freelancer to come and snap a few shots instead. You can try to negotiate the cost of a professional photographer if the initial price seems excessive. Typically, you will need around ten photos showcasing all areas of your home.

First Impressions

First impressions go a long way when it comes to managing an Airbnb property, and we’re not just talking about a clean home. When guests interact with you, make sure your responses are friendly, which will help build a positive rapport and increase the chances of getting booked. The best way to provide a fantastic first impression is to picture yourself as a guest in your home - how would you like to be treated?

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House Cleanliness

There’s nothing worse than spending a fair amount of money to stay in Chelsea, only to discover the property is filthy. Spend time making sure every nook and cranny is clean, including those spaces less travelled. Believe it or not, people will have a nosey high and low for anything out of place. For example, you may not consider your bath’s drain an important place to clean, but your guests will appreciate not bathing their feet in filthy water when taking a shower.

Neighbour Considerations

Your property is part of a wider community, which means keeping your neighbours happy. For example, if you live in a quiet area, you should tell guests not to host parties or play loud music after midnight. To avoid any conflicts, make sure to put any regulations in your ad’s terms and conditions.

You can take this a step further by communicating with your neighbours about your Airbnb. Tell them what restrictions you have put in place. Then, signpost them to Airbnb’s neighbourhood complaint form if they have any issues.

Time Investment

Maintaining an Airbnb in Chelsea will take up considerable time. Therefore, you need to be willing to put the effort in. Otherwise, you will end up flushing your property investment down the drain. Naturally, there may be times when managing the property isn’t a top priority. If this is the case, contact UpperKey and have them manage the property on your behalf. On top of keeping your property clean and taking bookings, UpperKey will guarantee your rent for the length of their management - regardless of whether any guests stay. This is great news for property managers with other cities within their Airbnb portfolios. You can leave the worries of London management behind and focus on more enjoyable ventures.

Competitive Price

Airbnb is typically more cost-effective than booking nights in a traditional hotel. Therefore, you need to set your price in line with neighbouring hotels. Further, you should make sure your property fairly aligns with the nearby competition. Naturally, if you have more positive reviews and greater amenities than other Airbnbs, feel free to add a premium to your price.

When calculating your property price, make sure to check nearby hotels and other properties
Research nearby Airbnb properties and hotels to set your price in line with the competition.

Remember, people enjoy saving money, so make sure you run regular promotions. For example, during low seasons, you can reduce the rate of your room to help boost traffic. After all, having a guest stay at a reduced price is better than having zero guests; you will need to pay your rent/mortgage regardless of the number of guests booked in.

Simple Booking Process

Although a positive rapport is an important part of host-guest relations, you want to make the booking process as frictionless as possible. In 2022, people want to find a property and click “book now”, without having to jump through hoops. Therefore, on the Airbnb engine, simply turn on “Instant Booking”, which will let guests agree to your terms and conditions without the need to communicate with you.

When your guests arrive at the property, you can make their lives easier by providing a contactless check-in process, which is more common in the post-pandemic world we live in. To do this, all you need to do is install a key safe and send instructions on how to open it. However, you need to ensure that you are on hand to arrive at the property in case something goes wrong. After all, devices and technologies are great until they malfunction. If guests are left unable to enter your property, you will lose income and will likely be slated with negative online reviews.

Attention to Detail

You will need to make sure your guests have everything they need for their stay, meaning you must pay attention to the finer details. As well as stocking up on the necessities including soap and toilet rolls, consider going the extra mile by investing in entertainment options, such as:

  • A smart TV with an account on Netflix.

  • A selection of board games and books for rainy days.

  • A kitchen stocked with coffee, tea, and condiments.

  • A bottle of wine in the fridge (depending on the booking).

Anything you can do to make the stay memorable will result in positive reviews and return custom.

Personalised Experiences

Your Airbnb ad needs to stand out in the crowd, so boast nearby amenities and attractions. Further, do some networking to see if you can offer any discounts with tour providers, which are always a popular reason people make bookings.

As well as highlighting nearby destinations, you can make each stay memorable by asking if guests are staying for an occasion. For example, if a couple is staying for their anniversary, you can add flowers, chocolates, and a card to wish them well. Alternatively, if you have a family staying, invest in child-friendly entertainment like colouring packs.

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Following Local Regulations

Chelsea is in the perfect location, close to many great attractions and well connected with public transport links. However, being in London, your Airbnb will be subjected to the 90-day limitation imposed on short-term lets. Unfortunately, this means having more than half the year with an empty property, which you will still need to pay a mortgage for. Fortunately, if you choose to leave the property in UpperKey’s capable hands, they will help mitigate the impact of the 90-day regulation.

Follow-Up Times

As a quality Airbnb manager, you need to offer a 5-star service, which means answering any queries in a professional and timely manner. When guests ask questions about your property, it means they are ready to book. If you spend too long replying, you will lose out on your competition. To save time, you can create a list of FAQs and templates, which you can edit depending on the circumstances.

Further, you will be reviewed plenty on Airbnb. Ensure you thank people for leaving positive reviews. On the flip side, you need to handle negative reviews professionally. The guest is always right, so accept your shortcomings and attempt to make amends. You can do this by correcting any issues and inviting them to return at a discounted site. Hopefully, your efforts will convert the guest into a happy reviewer.

Timely and professional responses to guest queries are crucial for a 5-star service on Airbnb
Thank guests for positive reviews and handle negative reviews professionally on Airbnb.

Update Your Ad Regularly

Over time, your property’s list of amenities may change. Therefore, it’s important to update your ad to reflect your current circumstances. This can be anything from faster internet to a garden in bloom. Further, if there are any transport issues surrounding Chelsea, make this apparent in your ad and update any upcoming guests. The last thing your guest needs is to waste time booking transport if there are closures or strike action.

Choose the Right Guests

You aim to fill your property enough to make a profit, but that may mean being picky with your clientele. After all, if your Airbnb is damaged, you are the one left to pay the repair bills. Luckily, Airbnb is an enormous community-like platform, where hosts can leave reviews about guests. When you receive a booking request, you are within your rights to decline guests based on previous negative reviews.

Managing an Airbnb in Chelsea can be rewarding, but you need to invest considerable time and money into ensuring you provide the best service to your guests. To do this, you need to best your competition by using quality photos, simplifying the check-in process, and personalising experiences with links to nearby events and finer touches to the room. If you need to focus your energies elsewhere, remember that you can always leave your property in the hands of the Airbnb experts at UpperKey.


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