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How Do I Contact Booking as A Property Owner?

Contacting Booking as an owner will be very useful to you to obtain precise information or to resolve a dispute. However, you are not necessarily used to this type of situation and you may be lost when it comes to the methodologies to use. To see things more clearly, we are going to shed some light on the situation through a complete tutorial on the different existing means of joining the Booking platform.

You may need to contact for various reasons.

Booking: why is contacting customer service necessary?

You are not an expert in the field, but you generally know how the Booking platform works . In certain cases, you are faced with a situation that you do not know how to resolve on your own. Before considering this approach, be aware that the website offers you access to a lot of information. So, we advise you to use this first approach to find the right information.


To do this, nothing very complicated by connecting directly to the platform's website from your mobile application or on the Internet. Go to the “company contacts” section to read the numerous articles that have been written for owners. For example, this may be useful information on setting up your account, to manage reservations, to know the different means of connection or how to resolve a dispute.



How to contact Booking through the online help center?

Let's imagine that you are having difficulty putting an ad online . You do not want to stay in this situation any longer, because during this time you are unable to rent your property. You could first go to the online help center, as it includes a multitude of questions already asked by other users.


Simply log in using your username and password and go to the “help center” section of the main menu. Of course, you are guided through the many categories.


How to contact Booking by email?

Please note that you have the opportunity to contact Booking as the owner by choosing the email solution. Obviously an option to be preferred from the moment you have not obtained the necessary information from the help center.


Two options for sending your email. The first is to log in to your personal account from the website or using the application. You will communicate through the extranet inbox. Booking undertakes to provide you with a concrete response within 24 hours. However, certain periods are busier, which means a much longer response time.


Now that you are logged in to the extranet using your username and password, you will simply go to the inbox tab. This will take you to “messages from ”. Next, click “see contact options” and remember to be specific in theme selection. Then you click on “see contact options” and send your message.


We recommend that you be extremely specific in your request, otherwise customer service will not be able to respond to you. As a result, your request will certainly be processed, but several back and forths will be necessary to obtain a definitive answer. It is better to communicate more information rather than the other way around.


The second possibility is to contact the Booking France service by email. The address is: . For a question about reservations, you use the same process by sending your request to the following address: reservation .


We recommend the first method, because you are immediately identified with the extranet and this process works very well with a history of your conversations.


Woman on booking extranet
Booking can be contacted via extranet and email, both good options.

How do I contact Booking as the owner by telephone?

You should know that contacting Booking involves using a specific telephone number depending on the country. So, if your property is located in France, all you have to do is dial the following number: 07 73 03 66 70. Remember that when you make the call from abroad, it is imperative to dial the following code: 33.


To find the customer service telephone number, the process is once again very simple by connecting to the extranet. From the contact section of the main menu, you will find all the useful information. Namely the customer service number: 01 57 32 92 09, but also owner assistance at 01 53 25 13 12. Without forgetting local assistance at 03 69 25 26 26 and international customer service at 44 20 3320 2625.


Regarding French territory, please note that Booking has set up specific telephone numbers for certain urban areas:


  • For Paris, we invite you to dial 01 73 03 66 70.

  • For Lyon, 04 26 83 25 21.

  • If you need to contact customer service in Bordeaux, dial 05 57 91 12 90.

  • For Nice, 04 83 53 27 76.

  • To contact customer service in Montpellier, dial 04 30 00 20 50.

  • For Rennes, simply call 02 56 85 50 79.

  • For Strasbourg, 03 69 25 26 26.

  • Finally, Tourcoing on 01 53 25 13 12.

Join Booking through social networks

If you are a fan of social networks and more particularly Facebook and Twitter, do not hesitate to use them to contact customer service. You contact them from their official account by sending them a message. Concerning the response time, it will obviously vary depending on the quantity of messages received. Don't be worried if you see that your message remains unanswered for at least 24 hours.


After this period, there is no need to send a message via social networks, but we invite you to use the other means of communication mentioned above. Generally speaking, Booking demonstrates exemplary responsiveness, because its primary concern is the satisfaction of its customers. So, communication is absolutely not neglected, quite the contrary.


Contact booking via social networks
Although can be accessed via social media, it is not recommended to do so

Contact points reserved for partners

Booking has established a special relationship with its partners and in particular UpperKey, a concierge specializing in seasonal rentals. If you are interested in this service, please note that the agency has a specific contact number to put you in touch with Booking customer service. This is an interesting option, because for your part you don't have to worry about the various problems you might encounter or waste time looking for an answer to your questions.


UpperKey takes care of everything and the agency will be your preferred contact. In other words, the professionals provide you directly with the necessary information or the agency contacts Booking to obtain concrete information. In any case, it is a simple process, saving you the hassle of daily management.


UpperKey is also very useful for the simplified management of your real estate in Paris, France or another country. With such support, profitability increases significantly, because you rent at a better price with limited rental vacancy.



Determine el valor de alquiler de su propiedad con UpperKey como inquilino

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